Thursday, February 21, 2013

Yad Vashem

Warsaw Ghetto Square

This last Monday we got to go to Yad Vashem and it was an experience that I will not forget. For those of you that do not know what Yad Vashem is, it is a site to commemorate the holocaust and it includes a museum and there are trees everywhere that commemorate the people that have had significant and meaningful actions during the holocaust to help out the Jews.

To the left is the Hall of Remembrance. We didn't actually go in there, but it was on the way to the museum.

Pillar of Heroism

Our teacher, Mr. Yardin, talked a lot about the different and ever changing viewpoints that the Jews have on the Holocaust survivors. It was surprising to me to find that even a few decades ago, there was a lot of negative judgment on the Holocaust survivors. On the minds of the Jews that were in Israel during the time of WWII, they thought for a long time that the ones that survived were weak (very anti intuitive right?). The heroes at Warsaw that fought against the Nazi's were heroes and they had died. Why did the survivors live? This was the thought that was prevalent for a  long time in the minds of the Jews in Israel after the Holocaust. The Holocaust survivors did not talk about their experience and the other Jews did not want to hear about their experience. When Yad Vashem was created, it was used to commemorate the heroes that had dies in the Holocaust and the idea of commemorating the survivors was not part of the agenda.
The Heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto Revolt
The Jews that are being led like "sheeps to the slaughter."

Children Memorial

These stone obelisks were on top of the entrance to the children memorial. One and a half million children had died because of the effect of the Holocaust. When we first walked into the memorial, it was a room full of mirrors in the dark that was illuminated by specks of light that formed a starry night like appearance. There was a woman on recording that read each of the names of the children that had died. Their name, their birth place, and their age at the time of death. Ten seconds in total were given to remember the life of a child - ten seconds. A teacher that was leading a different group of students said that it takes half a year to read the one and a half million names.

After the field trip, there was a lot of students that expressed their feelings as being heavy. In adding to their feelings, I thought that the whole experience left me feeling sad, depressed, and empty at the same time. How could humanity do such a thing? It was just mind blowing for me. There are a lot of people that will not allow themselves to dwell on the thoughts of the Holocaust, or not even touch on the subject, feeling it to be too violent or depressing. I think that it is disrespectful to do that - in my mind it is like pretending that the Holocaust did not ever exist. We need to understand the bad to fully appreciate the good. Learn from the mistakes and become better! There is always going to be a ray of hope that keeps us moving forward and however awful an experience might be, there will always be something to learn from that experience.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Marble Theory

Being here in the Jerusalem Center I think that it is important that I talk about this. This has helped me a lot in my life in helping me decide what I actually want in my life :) 

To put it simply everyone that you meet in your life becomes a jar that you keep in your cabinet called your heart. However fleeting the first encounter might be, each person that we meet  gets a jar. 

In theory, we each get hundred marbles that we can distribute to each of the jars that we have made for everyone that we have met that we are attracted to. As we spend more and more time with people, we find ourselves putting more and more marbles in the jar with their name on it. Because of the limited quantity of the marbles, they have to be taken from other jars. This means that as we move on with our lives and make new romantic interests, we take the marbles from the old romantic interest's jar and put them in the new jar. 

In some special cases, we deliberately make it hard on ourselves to take marbles out of a particular jar: first love, or perhaps even a lover that we shared big dreams and aspirations with. In these cases, the jars have lids on them and they we can not take marbles in or out of these jars.

For us to completely move on, we need to let go and open these jars so that we can take the marbles out of them and put them in the new relationships that we make.

This is the reason why I hate it when people ask me who I like because there might be a lot of people that I might be interested in. Better question might be to ask me where my marbles are and how many.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Unleavened Bread for Thought

I am way too lazy to create a new blog for my trip in Jerusalem and its not like a lot of people read my blog anyway, so it's whatever. Greetings from Jerusalem! It's the holiest city on the earth, no big deal. I have wanted to come here for a very long time, and I guess I got my wish. I am doing a study abroad with BYU and it has already been 4 weeks since I've been here.
Like a missionary photo at the MTC.
So, in the past few weeks, we had one out of the country field trip and we got to go to Jordan! We visited Petra which was pretty cool and we watched Indian Jones after we got back. People were screaming so loudly at the movie that I heard it two floors down from where I was finishing up my site report that was due that night. I hate going to movies anyway, you don't really get to talk to anyone and so I prefer to skip them and study a little more so that I can have time to do other things later on.
Kicking the pillars down at Amman

At Jordan we got to visit a lot of cool places and we learned a lot of cool things like how each site related to the bible and things, but by the end of the day, it seemed like we were just getting off the bus to take cool pictures to put on Facebook when we got home from Jerusalem. But this place in Amman was really cool. It was apparently the most well preserved Roman city in the Near East although a lot of the pillars were reconstructed/repillafied (?) ... to show how they would have looked in the ancient time. You can kind of tell in the picture above that the lower pillar section is smooth and how the upper pillars seem a little more weathered. It's because the lower section was buried in sand and the upper section was weathered through out the years.

At the theater
It was raining the third day in Jordan, but we still had to visit some sites. I think this place was at the theater at the base of the city in Amman. People were telling me that I was going to catch a cold because of the rain, and that I needed a coat, but I threw on my Keffiyeh on my head and I was fine. I threw the cold on the ground like a boss...

River Jordan
On the last day of the Jordan trip, we got to visit the River Jordan. It was a really good experience for me. Something really cool that happened was that as we sung hymns and listened to Brother Schade talk, there were splotches of sunlight that would break through the clouds as if the earth itself were bearing testimony of the truthfulness of the messages that were being shared. It was a great spiritual experience.

Garden Tomb
When we got back, we went to the Garden Tomb on the Sabbath (on Saturday) and I had a vision of what my trip here has to be about. The door to the tomb says, "He is not here, for He is risen." I know that He is not there, I know that He is risen and is the Savior of Mankind.

I'll write more later!